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About Us

Welcome! We are so happy you found us!

Noelle James Boutique Family Photo

Noelle James Boutique is our family business, created with the love of clothes and the drive to own our own business. We are Beth, Joe and Isaac and live in Northern California. Our clothes and accessories are hand picked so that quality, fabric, price, and style are accessible for many. We strive to have over 50 percent of our inventory made in the United States, and support other small businesses when we can.

Did you come here to see why the boutique is named Noelle James and we are Beth, Joe, and Isaac? Long story short, Isaac was supposed to be a girl and Noelle was the middle name. James is Beth’s brother’s name and is a double cancer survivor (hero status) and the brawn behind the build out of the mobile boutique. The name came to me while sitting in traffic one morning commute as we were building out and starting up the boutique.

Or are you wondering where the race car fits in? Isaac has always been drawn to cars or anything with wheels and started racing Quarter Midgets in 2018. He has a national win and Championship seasons under his feet and is now starting out in Jr. Sprints with the hopes of moving him up to a Restricted 600 next year. The boutique helps us keep Isaac in a race car. When you support our small business, you are supporting Isaac’s love for racing and the family time involved in the sport.
Or Basset Hounds? Yep, they are the crazy support crew at home. Bella, the old lady keeps Stanley, the baby, off the couch and my lap, as I source brands and new items and Gus offers emotional support by being the most calm and loving dog ever.

As you can see, we are just a typical family who enjoys time together, whether that be building and running a business or building and running a race car. Thank you for finding us! I sure hope you find something you love.

Noelle James Boutique Basset Hound     Noelle James Boutique Basset Hound     Noelle James Boutique Basset Hound